Business Support
- Slough BID will work to strengthen the business community through networking and training opportunities. We will work with local training providers to help businesses achieve their potential.
- The BID will support businesses to aim for higher standards and introduce business excellence awards to celebrate success.
- To help businesses reduce their running costs, Slough BID will trial a joint procurement scheme for utilities and other services.
- Town centre loyalty schemes have proved to be very successful in other areas, and Slough BID will trial the introduction of a customer loyalty scheme across the town centre, with the aim of increasing customer dwell time, spend, and return visits. The scheme could also cover the reimbursement of car parking fees.
- We will work with Slough Borough Council and others to develop data collection about footfall and movement of customers in the BID area and use the data for planning, promotion, and performance monitoring.
Business Support Budget: £36,000 per year
- A new BID website is in development, together with providing information about the BID it will be the town’s key online presence.
- For 2022/23 the BID is committed to fulfil its promise by implementing a town loyalty scheme for consumer and retailer benefit
- GEOSense Footfall Cameras installed and data available to all to retailers if requested
- Slough BID Levy Payers AGM meeting hosted annual with BID BI Monthly Breakfast Surgeries to follow
- Slough BID to look at and fund an online training support company for all business to access and share with employees
- Slough BID to look at a Business Cost Reduction Partnership to work with businesses to save money
- Slough BID to look at working with SBC on installation of Defibrillators and Bleed Packs to the High Street together with First Aid Training