- The BID, and its professional team, will provide an active voice for the business community of Slough Town Centre.
- The BID will build close relationships with other stakeholders in the town such as Slough Borough Council, Thames Valley Police and the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce.
- The BID will seek to be represented on decisions about the town centre, giving businesses a real voice in the future of the town centre.
- As a legislated, representative and well-funded body, the BID is perfectly placed to represent business views and lobby on your behalf.
Representation budget: N/A
- Strong working partnership with Slough Borough Council and Thames Valley Police
- The BID meet on a monthly basis with Slough Borough Council who are also NED on the BID Board.
- The BID have been actively lobbying SBC for Street Cleaning and Town Centre ASB issues
- The BID meet on a 6 weekly basis with Thames Valley Police addressing ASB maters within the Town Centre.
- The BID actively report all Town Centre matters to the respective bodies